
  • Weakness To Magic Oblivion
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 24. 19:59
    Weakness To Magic Oblivion
    1. Buy Oblivion Pc
    2. Oblivion Weakness To Magic Stack

    Basically each skill cooresponds with one of the attributes. If you level up a skill that level that corresponds with your agility stat you can get an extra point into agility if you so choose.

    Weakness to Magic - (Aurelinwae) She works in the Mystic Emporium store in the Market District of The Imperial City, along with Calindil. Fortify Intel - (Ohtesse), a female Altmer Healer, works in Cheydinhal's Great Chapel of Arkay.

    If you level up 2 skills that correspond with agility you get +2 and so on up to +5.So the most effecient way to level is to mess around for some time every level ranking up skills that aren't your major skills so you can get +5 to three stats of your choice.Or purposefully do not choose the skills you are going to use and instead have random stuff as your major skills to level up whenever you feel like itBoth options sounded super boring for me, so I downloaded oblivionXP. Originally posted by meatwadsprite Jr.:I have watched videos and read some things about the effective way to level, but i don't understand. Can somebody explain it in a way that my retard brain can understandBasically, if you want to make POWERFUL character you gotta follow 5/5/1 or 5/5/5 leveling system. But you don't have to do that in order to beat game and complete every quest. First time I played oblivion in 2006 I obviously had no idea how leveling system works yet I beat it on default difficulty settings. Sometimes it may be hard but not impossible, that's for sure.I'd say, play it whatever the way you want, enjoy it as a fairy tale(it really is) and don't spend your time reading guides. THEN after you beat it and some time passed, you can play it 'autistic' way which is also enjoyable in some way if you are into autism.

    Originally posted by:Basically, if you want to make POWERFUL character you gotta follow 5/5/1 or 5/5/5 leveling system.That sums it up and I always go for 5/5/5 and have never worked on increasing luck because it can only be +1 maximum each level up to make it 5/5/1. It seemed like bad economy to increase an attribute that has vague benefits compared to traditional choices like strength and endurance but I wouldn't mind seeing what 100 luck and Mehrunes' Razor is like.UESP is the best place to learn how the vanilla leveling system works and once you know how to get 5/5/5 you can then use the system with ease. Originally posted by:I just want to ask a bit specific here. Lets say i want to push my strenght up, there i wondered why my strenght in vanilla did not go over 2 even if i leveled blade for example 5 times.

    Or is it just me?(Just downloaded that realistic xp thing though i don't know if just pushing it into Data file would be enough) 10 times for +5, 6 times will give you +3, so if you only levelled 5 times thats why you got the +2If you levelled unarmed and/or blunt 8 times and your blade 2 then you'd get +5. Originally posted by Kakashi Hatake:I have watched videos and read some things about the effective way to level, but i don't understand.

    Can somebody explain it in a way that my retard brain can understandAt the start of the game, you get 7 Major Skills and the rest of your skills the other 14 become minor. You level up once by increasing 10 Major skills this can be the same skill 10 times, each skill once and some twice, etc. As long as they add up to 10. Without doing the hax, this usually means your character can level up about 50 times before all their Major Skills become 100 and prevents them from levelling further.When you level up, you get to put points into 3 out of 8 of your attributes. For all the attributes except for Luck, you can increase them by between 1-5 points on level up. Luck is fixed at 1 point per level up. Originally posted by:See part of the problem with levelling too high is some enemies (I'm specifically thinking of Goblin Warlords, since I haven't bothered working out the Health/level of other classes of enemy where UESP tells you how it's calculated but doesn't give hard numbers) gain rather more Health for every one of your levels than you do (I believe the best the Player can do is 11.5/level, which requires completing KotN & the Felldew Addiction in SI, meaning it doesn't even start until about level 15), versus, for example, 30/level.

    (meaning that at level 49 you're going to need to stack a bunch of Weakness to Magic & Drain Health effects on them to kill them anytime soon).Goblin Warlords get 30xlevel HP, or 30x50 = 1500 HP at level 50! Yeah!And without using Weakness Stacking silliness or mods, these become a significant grind, and a deterrent toward levelling up very high.I went the Weakness stack route with my max difficulty character. It ain't too hard with the right Weakness Stack. If you combine a Weakness Magic/Fire/Frost/Shock 100% effect with an appropriate high damage Fire/Frost/Shock combo followup, you can kill anything in 2-3 spells, even at super difficulty.Melee doesn't have sh.it on magic in Vanilla oblivion.

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    I'm level 20, maxed out my INT and getting close to the 90s in a few others.However, I'm pathetic.I can't really take down swarms of baddies. I can summon one of my skeletons and he kicks ass, but all I can do is run in a circle during a fight and draw them into my skeleton.My spells have almost no affect on people. I will try to cause weakness to X and then cast X on them a few times, and that is about the only thing I can do.Is this just the way the game is?What about swordsmen, are your weapons weak as well?

    I guess I was thinkng that after about 10 hits someone should go down, but with this its closer to 50 to drop something.???(Also why do weapons run out of enchantments, dammit all to hell. I like D&D where everything runs on perpetual enchantment energy.). What is 'a few others'. If all you have maxed is int, then you may be a bit wimpy. The way the game levels as a default, you really do want to be leveling your offensive skills and stats, whatever you're focusing on, as a priority. To paraphrase my insane high school vector calc teach, 'when you're not preparing for battle, your oponent is, and when you meet him, he will beat you.' The enemies are leveling their ability to kill you every time you level.

    You better be doing the same.Also, check the difficulty slider. I don't know if you're on PC or X360, but several of us on X360 noticed our difficulty started at like 80%. I was getting my ass kicked by goblins.If it's at 50% and still too tough, back it down a bit. I won't make fun of you. The way the leveling system works in that game sometimes you can find yourself at a higher level than you should be.For instance, if you have acrobatics or a skill like that as a main skill.

    You will end up leveling up merely because that skill is raising instead of some of your more core offensive skills.My oblivion character (on 360) became fairly weak as the game progressed and i had to bump the difficulty slider down on many fights all because of a few ill-chosen main skills that didn't actually increase my killing power, but still leveled me. Its the way the retarded vanilla Oblivion game works.When you get stronger, the WHOLE WORLD also gets stronger. In Oblivion, your character is the center of the universe.

    At first, the world is super weak, and you could travel the land and clear every single cave, ruin, oblivion gate, without seeing anyone you could not kill. Because everyone is weak enough that can be defeated by a pathetic lvl 1. But as soon as you level up, the whole world also levels up. So every single living being also gets stronger. The world changes with you.So in fact, you might think that you're getting stronger, but nope.

    Since EVERYTHING also becomes stronger, you're basically just as you always were. Its like you're stronger than you were before, but everything else in the world is also just as strong as you just got. So you're stronger relative to how strong you were before you rested and lvld up, but are now in a world where every single being is now stronger than you were before you rested.When you reach high enough level, every bandit will have 1000000 gold piece of equipment on them. You wonder why they don't sell their boots and buy a castle instead of hanging out on roads to steal 10gp from merchants. The same friggin Goblins you killed at lvl 1 will now be a hundred times stronger and will be as tough as ever.Its fucking stupid.Then also you have the retarded stats and skills.

    You have to level up a certain way to get more points to put in your stats. Since if you level up like any normal people would do.

    Thats no good. Now you've gained 20 levels, but you're actually weaker because you haven't 'leveled up correctly'So you're weaker than you've ever been because every other single living being in the world leveled up 'better than you ' and now, even though you're probably 10 times stronger than you were at level 1, enemies are now 25 times stronger AND YOU ARE FUCKED. Have fun making another character!Oh and there's also the skills.

    If you've been stupid enough not to level up armor, blade, block, and instead opted for conjuration, alchemy, and I dunno maybe destruction, THEN YOU ARE STUPID AND NOW WEAK AS SHIT. If you had simply focussed on just buying a sword, armor and whacking everything that moves, then instead of struggling with a goblin you'd be friggin mowing down anything that got in your path. Have fun making another character!Its really a stupid ass game.Oh yeah I said you could kill anyone at lvl1, not true. Everyone, except the guards. They can kill you in 2 seconds and are basically 50 times stronger than you. Makes you wonder why your shitty character has to save the world and not them. Hell send 3 guards to Oblivion and they'll clear it easily.

    Shit my first lvl 20 got its ass HANDED by a few guards.Retarded shit. How can they go from Morrowind to that. Lucky we PC users can fix the moronic consolised game with mods. For 360 owners. I guess you're stuck.You can always lower the difficulty level. Which will make the whole world a lot weaker to better suit your pathetic weak character.

    I guess if your character is a dumbshit and can't handle the world he's in, I guess the solution is to change the whole friggin world around him and make it just as pathetic as him.So go for the great immersion of Oblivion, make every living being weaker than they are now so you can kill them! Hoo.Can you cheat in xobx Oblivion? Since I don't want to waste my time 'abusing' the leveling system (actually I didn't even bother to find out how the stupid game wants you to level up ), I just give myself a few extra points at each level up to simulate 'adequate' leveling up. Yeah ok its 'cheating'. I think its less of a hassle than going with the stupid system in the first place.btw. I'm really not dissing your character.

    My first char sucked major ass because I went with alchemy, conjuration, marksman, & some other skills which made him a glorified pussy which couldn't do jackshit. I'm really just blasting the game which IMHO took the most retarded approach regarding leveling up and making the world always relative to your level. Which defeats the whole purpose of leveling up in the first place. You'd think being lvl 20 would actually help you.

    Since you haven't taken the correct skills You're weaker than you ever were. Because everything around you got so much stronger than you.

    But that wouldn't be an issue if, like every other RPG ever known to man, the whole world didn't become stronger each time you leveled up.Even if you were a 'weak' level 20, you would see an enemy you struggled with at lvl 5 and now kick his ass. But since Oblivion is moronic, the same enemy you struggled with at lvl 5 will now be an unstoppable killing machine.Its like leveling up haven't made you stronger, it made you WEAKER!!!I think my 1st char gained like 10 levels from a few caves & 1st Kvatch Oblivion. Going to sleep on a lvl 10 world, and waking up in a lvl 20 world made him a joke. And since the skills he had were basically spread out, he got none of the perks of any high lvl one.The only thing he could do was climb up a rock, fire arrows from a weak ass bow (the items you find are relative to your level, so if you made a big jump in lvls, you'll have crap low level items since every chest item is relative to your lvl.), summon a weak ass skeleton who got killed in 3 seconds, make crappy poisons which were a joke for the high level enemies. So he just climbed up a rock and fired dozens of arrows to kill one stupid regular guy (which regenerated almost just as fast as I could damage him).

    He hit like shit with his sword or hammer: He got killed in 5 seconds if he stood toe to toe since I guess he only got +2 attributes each time he leveled up. (There's a way to get like 3x +5. Which supposedly people do to get 'good' characters)anyhow. Moving difficulty slider should really be fine It just brings balance to the unbalanced game anyhow. As you'll find better gear and get better spells/skills you might be able to bring it up to normal later on anyhow.Someone having 3 skills (blade, block & armor) at 90pts each will dish damage a lot differently than someone who has 45pts spread out with alchemy, conjuration, blade, marksman, destruction, light armor, heavy armor, etc.So you're just rebalancing things, really makes no difference what so ever in the gameplayThat, or, new char and go with the way to level up and get the extra attribute points. Plus if you focus on fighting skills you'll pretty much breeze thru anything.

    I had the same experience on my first go at it, with a sneaky character of some sort, knocking off bandits with a single back-stab at first, and then learning to despise bears, and deal with them by jumping on a rock and hurling fireball after fireball, waiting for my mana to recharge so I can throw another fireball, and doing this for like five minutes, until the bastard.finally. dies already. It pissed me off, to be certain.There supposedly is some 'hump' you get past, I can't remember what level, where enemies aren't hair-tearingly hard.I'm going at another game now with the Oscuro's Overhaul mod, which I like for the most part. I'm at lvl 11, and the best armor I ever got off a bandit was a worn piece of chainmail. And just one. It's also taken 50 hours of game time to get to that level, I'm not sure I like how much it slows down skill gains. I've hacked my way through a few dungeons, only to come up to chests with locks 'beyond my abilities'.

    I have no idea what level I have to get security at to change that. I'm not sure I like how much it slows down skill gains.Oh I didn't even attempt to play with it. You can use the regular skill gains with OOO too (option in data files selection), no way in hell I'm going to purposely slow it down by 5 times!!!But that comes from a guy who doesn't bother to pickup/steal every little trinklet to sell and instead just presses player.additem f 5000 (gold) Or who types tcl (no clip) to fly back to the cave entry instead of walking back the whole way Or player.additem c 5 is also very useful (repair hammer) as well as player.additem a 100 (who bothers to buy lockpicks anyhow?!?!)I haven't found any locks 'above my level'. True I start with a security much higher than normal. (as well as speed & some other 'small' things. ) But finding a chest that I can't open.

    Or a door I can't pick and so area I can't go to because my security isn't high enough or I've run out of lockpicks isn't exactly my idea of fun. Neither is writing it down on a piece of paper and going back to it later.So just play the game the way it makes it fun for you! I simply couldn't play the vanilla game now. If there's something you don't like, CHANGE IT! I enjoy the game, but on my own terms: I level as I want, spend most of my time wandering around admiring the ceiling scenery and stealing everything that isn't nailed down, and I cheat like crazy to avoid combat. Combat in this game blows; not just because the actual experience is bad (although it certainly is), but because of the shortbus leveling system.It's a fun sandbox, really, if you don't ever have to fight anything.

    I just dupe loads of high value potions so I don't get killed or run out of Magic-A and plink away with a bow and arrow.EDIT: ceiling? So what exactly type of armor/weapons do you carry??

    My Oblivion character started out as a generally good melee character, using magic mainly for healing. Now, i guess you could say he's gone over to the dark side as a sneaky thief kind of character that's wickedly strong and favors heavy armor at level 36. You might do the mages guild missions if you haven't already, so you can make some enchanted armor/weapons. I mean if you don't have many hitpoints anyway, most any creature can kill you.I mean i can take on three or four city guards at the same time, using only a 25 point restore health spell to keep my health good.So i guess my character is pretty much a poler opposite to yours.

    I also made sure to install the mod which gives the store in bravil 8000 gold for trade, once i started getting stuff that was worth more than 2000 gold.Doing all the theives guild missions will give you a nice little dagger that after all the missions are done has a 35 hit to health, magicka, and something else for every strike. Also being a dagger you don't have to be particularly strong to wield it well. I'm a 360 player, so I'll throw my 'non-mod-playing' experience in there.A character who is not thought out in the slightest can be very problematic.

    A properly made character can work wonders. A character with a goal in mind, and a smart player driving will destroy Oblivion.My first character was a stealthy archer type.

    Marksman, Stealth, Acrobatics, Alchemy, Illusion, Light Armor, and Security. That last one, once you understand how lockpicking works, is kind of a throwaway skill.

    But that's fine. Wood Elf seemed like the perfect choice here, as did The Theif sign. There honestly were not many creatures I couldn't kill with one shot with the mix of Stealth and Marksman.

    If they didn't die in one shot, the second or third would kill them while they lay on their back helpless. Light Armor kept me alive if they alerted a buddy that I was around, Illusion helped keep me hidden (and make friends), and Acrobatics often got me out of sticky spots (jumping over gaps where enemies can't reach can be a lifesaver).All that is made better by Alchemy. You really don't need magic if you have Alchemy. It is powerful. Almost broken-powerful. Just about every effect (that you'd want) from magic can be duplicated with alchemy.

    You'll make more money grabbing piles of ingredients and selling the resulting potions. Really, I can't think of any more character builds I'd do without Alchemy, just because of the fun factor.But I did one. A Paladin type. Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Athletics, Alteration, Restoration, and Speechcraft. I can take hits, thanks to Heavy Armor, deal damage with Blade, and intercept damage with Block. I recover my fatigue faster with Athletics.

    Alteration helps me take even less damage with shield spells, and carry more crap (i.e. Restoration is obvious. Completes the 'Paladin' build, and gives me healing, self buffs, and spell resistance. Speechcraft was thrown in for fun.

    I'm the crazy one who enjoys it.I wanted to go a bit different, so I picked Orc as my race, and The Apprentice for his birthsign (100 magicka is nice, even if you have to deal with a somewhat crummy weakness). This character could walk into a room, wreck house, and fix himself up afterwards with no real worries. If there were more than a few enemies to deal with, high athletics skill meant he could fight longer, block made him able to defend himself, and nothing makes you feel like more of a badass than using Alteration to run out onto the middle of a body of water, and wait for them to swim to you.Do I have my problems with the game? Restoration is a horrible skill to have. It levels slow, but if you don't level, it's useless. When I say slow, I mean painfully slow.

    It will rarely if ever level for you with normal use, and grinding it up is annoyingly boring. Weapon and Armor destroying weapons I felt were too powerful. Destroying a damn nice sword in two blows is crazy strong. However, issues with the game's difficutly tend to be a poor playstyle.If you are having a hard time with the game, step back and examine your skills. Are you focusing on one combat skill (sword, blade, blunt, destruction, or marksman)? If you have two of those skills as primary, you are doing yourself a disservice. Much like reality, the more you practice with a singular class of weapon, the better you get with it.

    If you branch out into multiple offensive styles, you spread yourself too thin, and your skills can't keep up. The only exception, I think, would be mixing Conjuration and Destruction. Having that extra meat-shield is something that can't be ignored. Also notice I did not mention Hand-to-Hand. That's because unless you have the PC version, and can add the H2H weapon mods, H2H is worse than useless. Better to take marksman and use a sword.I understand some of the qualms with the monster-levelling (you never feel like a true badass, etc). But I really feel they beat the alternative.

    Walking into a dungeon, and not knowing that the monsters inside are level 50 while you are level 3. Regardless of what you may consider it, I call that frustrating. Additionally, when you are level 50, and can only find caves with level 3 critters, it becomes boring. Sure, the first few monsters who get raped through their pants is a lot of fun. After that, boredom sets in.I'm not sure how I'm trying to end this one. Kinda turned into a ramble. I really think a lot of people give the game a bad rap for it's levelling, and complain about difficulty, without having a goal in mind with their character.

    Oblivion Weakness To Magic Stack

    I'd love to have a sword/bow/magic wielding character too, but this simply is not the game for it. The thing is, the 'proper' way to make a character is so counter intuitive. If you want to be the most powerful character you can be, all you have to do is plan your character so that you hardly use any primary skills. So don't pick blade, but play a blade focused character. Blade will go up, you won't level so the enemies won't get stronger, and you'll kick all their asses.It takes all the fun out of planning a character, since you're not picking the optimal setup, you're picking the optimal way to game the leveling system. Originally posted by Quaro:The thing is, the 'proper' way to make a character is so counter intuitive.

    If you want to be the most powerful character you can be, all you have to do is plan your character so that you hardly use any primary skills. So don't pick blade, but play a blade focused character. Blade will go up, you won't level so the enemies won't get stronger, and you'll kick all their asses.It takes all the fun out of planning a character, since you're not picking the optimal setup, you're picking the optimal way to game the leveling system.I see this complaint from people all the time, and it's 100% bullshit. I detailed my character builds above, and I can kick all sorts of ass. It's about knowing your character, being smart while making/playing that character, and putting some focus on your combat skills.What you describe is metagaming.

    You are tricking the game into thinking you are less powerful than you actually are. That's not the proper way to play. That's the asshole half-vampire half-dragon with dual +5 bastard swords convincing his DM that the character is well within the campaign's limits. My first couple of characters with vanilla oblivion suffered from this.

    I was fresh from playing morrowind so I just leveled up left and right until I was getting pummelled by everything in the game.I installed OOO and a few other mods and they do a pretty good job of bringing sanity to the leveling system.However the leveling rate of many skills still sucked (marksman, all magic skills etc) so I made a mod that adjusted the rates of various skills until they seemed right to me.So I definitely agree that the leveling in the vanilla game is totally broken. With a lot of mods it is slowly getting more playable.I cant offer specific advice for a pure mage character since the only one of those I made was in vanilla oblivion and I suffered exactly the same fate as the OP. I think a pure mage is playable though, so I will have to try again in my OOO/custom leveling mod setup. The level system is retarded. I picked skills that I would hardly ever use normally but that I could easily level up when needed. I'd also plan on what stats I wanted to increase on each level.

    I'd level up skills that increased the modifier for the stats I wanted and once I achieved 5x on the three things I wanted then I sat down and leveled. Alchemy is a great leveler skill as you can just stockpile ingredients then churn out potions. A weapon skill is also good as a primary as you can quickly level it up by just whacking things quickly. Sneak is nice in that you can put weights on your controller/keyboard, walk away from the game and do a fun activity, then come back once you have increased the skill enough. I made a straight up mage in heavy armor, but went with a longsword once it became obvious at destruction's limitations(even at master, spells take too much mana, you cannot walk around throwing fireballs continuously no matter how well you leveled).

    Originally posted by lamestlamer:Sneak is nice in that you can put weights on your controller/keyboard, walk away from the game and do a fun activityThis is great! What does it say about a game when you have to walk away from it to do a fun activity?I agree with your comments on destructions limitations. I suspect that a pure mage would be much harder to play than a good heavy, block and blade fighter. I will give it a try on my next build though, but I suspect I may have to make another mod that tweaks things like mana regen or spell costs.Or perhaps I should just walk away from the game and do something fun.

    If you want to make the game a whole lot easier without 'cheating' with the slider, it's relatively simple to get 100% invisibility armor. You can either get your magic up to snuff and create it yourself, at the Mage's University, or do a handful of Oblivion gates. If you save right at the end of an Oblivion gate, just before you teleport out, you can keep reseting until you get the right stone. One of the options for the Oblivion gate's control stone (forget the name), is an automatic +x% to armor. What percentage you get depends on your level, but at level 20, you should be getting decent gear now. Make a set of armor that makes you completely invisible and the game essentially loses all difficulty, whatsoever. You can stand in front of someone wailing the living fuck out of them and they'll never react to you.

    When you reach high enough level, every bandit will have 1000000 gold piece of equipment on them. You wonder why they don't sell their boots and buy a castle instead of hanging out on roads to steal 10gp from merchants. The same friggin Goblins you killed at lvl 1 will now be a hundred times stronger and will be as tough as ever.Its fucking stupid.

    F'in. What a stupid system. FFVIII was the same.

    I have maxed charaters, all like 70th levbel or something, with ultimate weapons and spells, and fucking IMPS were giving me trouble, as they leveld up right along with me.The only way to really beat such a system is to stay as low a level as possible and use EQ to get tough, as that typically isn;t fsctored it. I restarted FF 8 and ended up with all the ultimate stuff at about 1/3 of the levels I was at before, and the game was a cakewalk.

    Yeah, I guess I should have been a fighter.I was taking the D&D approach.A mage, with some basic healing spells, and a blade skill so I could hold one without poking out my eye.I figured I'd level my intelligence and some health so I could get more mana and cast killer spells.Obviously that was the wrong approach. It doesn't seem like a magic user can do jack shit.In D&D by the time you hit level 20 a single magic user can just walk into a dungeon and clear out a whole level with a mouse click.However, in this I just spend my time hiding in a corner and throwing out a spell from time to time.Do magic users EVER get 'god like' powerful?The wrost part is that the level screen says stuff like 'Wow, you're the most powerful thing to walk the face of this planet. But watch out for bears cause they'll fucking DESTROY YOU!!!' Oh well.I miss Baulders Gate and NWN.I guess it just feels like I never get rewarded for accomplishing anything.In NWN for example after I took out that ubber bad guy I'd almost always gain a level and then I'd maybe get some good/bad person points, etc.However, in Oblivion I can sit in my basement and play with myself all day to get a massive spell level. But it doesn't seem like I have to do anything to get it.Maybe if you could only level up by getting experience points.Something like 'you've used this spell enough that you have a grasp of it, now you need to test that in the real world'.Some sort of odd combination of XP and actual use of a skill. Or maybe fighting in the real world would level them 5X faster than just casting 'starlight' on yourself all day long as you walk. A mage, with some basic healing spells, and a blade skill sThat sounds fine.

    What skills did you take exactly?Strength basically determines your damage. You'd think it has some effect, but no, your strength IS your damage. If you do the mage quests and gain access to the academy, then you have access to spellmaking and enchanting.

    With enchanting, its simple to make yourself a few +25% shield items (immune to weapons basically), and a few + 15 strength items which will really make a HUGE difference in the amount of damage you deal.As I said also, chances are you'll find some good stuff which will help you. One of my guy found a 'ring of war':'Fortify Armorer 10ptsFortify Athletics 10ptsFortify Blade 10ptsFortify Block 10ptsFortify Blunt 10ptsFortify Hand to Hand 10ptsFortify Heavy Armor 10pts'One hell of a boost.Conjuration is easy to level up. Just conjure a dagger, then sheath it, conjure again. Do that whenever you're just walking. Get some.good. summoned creature and that will help a TON.Magic is never THAT powerful. But its supposed to be decent.


    You have to use + weakness% to really make it efficient. Cast/make a 5 seconds 75% weakness to fire or whatever, then blast away with fireball.I've played NWN and Baldur's gate. IMHO, not that great. Morrowind (modded) was awesome. Oblivion (modded OOO, etc) also isn't that bad. By the time I hit level 20 in Oblivion I was almost unstoppable.

    Of course, I went all tank.My strength was close to 140 since I enchanted all my armor to boost my strength, plus I was awesome in Heavy Armor (no encumbrance penalty when wearing) and Blade (stab people and they fall down). Plus I had at least 4 enchanted swords (with at least +20 fire damage) that I would use in between soul trapping people with my staff to recharge shit.My character was pretty slow but thanks to all the jumping I was still very mobile.I did make the mistake of including marksmanship and restoration magic in my primary skills. What a waste. Although I used healing magic a ton (I hate using consumables like potions or scrolls) it was a spell I acquired very early in the game, not something I leveled up to as I got more and more powerful.I also played with a few mods (including OOO) and at least one capped the levels for creatures to something reasonable (although i'm not sure I leveled up enough to see that before I beat the game) and another that automatically levels items. This was really nice because otherwise when you get a great piece of armor or Sigil Stone it is tied to whatever you were when you picked it up.

    With the item leveling, stuff I found at the beginning of the game was still pretty useful by the time I beat the game. To enchant something you need a soul or a Sigil stone. I did the Mage's guild quests and once you've done all of the local guild quests you join the school at the Capital (this is the only way to access the enchanting alters) and get a staff. I got a soul trap staff so I wouldn't have to bother with spells or trapping weapons.Then I used Azura's Star (it can capture any soul except a human) and captured a Grand soul (eventually I had piles of soul gems but having the Star makes things pretty easy since you can release the soul and try again if you don't get something good). Take that with what you want to enchant to the School and enchant it there.Of course you have to be able to cast the spell you are enchanting with, and there doesn't seem to be a difference between spell skills so buying an expensive fireball spell wont help you enchant better than a weak fire spell.Anyway, I made all of my swords fire damage since few powerful enemies are immune. Unfortunately I was never able to enchant items with anything near the power of Sigil enchanted stuff or the gear I would find in dungeons.Besides the fire swords and strength boosting armor I enchanted myself a ring of Light which was pretty useful in some of the darker dungeons and keeps you well lit for screenshots.

    I also made a ring of feather and a hood of strength (I always used a light armor helmet of life detection when fighting, but didn't make it) for when I was looting a completed dungeon.The only spell I made that was useful was one that increase my charisma and made people like me way more. As an Orc that was quite handy.

    Originally posted by GirgleMirt:I haven't found any locks 'above my level'. True I start with a security much higher than normal. (as well as speed & some other 'small' things.

    ) But finding a chest that I can't open. Or a door I can't pick and so area I can't go to because my security isn't high enough or I've run out of lockpicks isn't exactly my idea of fun.

    Weakness to magic oblivion lyrics

    Neither is writing it down on a piece of paper and going back to it later. I've seen them. I think I've only seen them in people's houses and in castles and in shops. Basically in any place inhabited by people as opposed to monsters. I don't think I've ever seen one in a dungeon/cave/etc.And, it's only been chests.

    I don't believe any doors have been beyond my abilities.As an example, the chests you find in barracks at the foot of the guards' cots. Sometimes there will be a mix of those you can open and those labled 'very hard' that are beyong my abilities. Not all 'very hard' chests are beyond my abilities.

    There is one castle barracks in particular in which the guards' cots are arranged in a circle, with chests at the foot of each. I cannot open any of those chests. I'm not sure what my security skill is atm, I'd have to check. But I can open very hard locks.Some houses and shops will have a chest like that as well.Oh, and to help out beginners, I would suggest searching the homes of residents of the Imperial City. I picked up a very useful sword early in the game from someone. It was hidden behind the bed.

    It was either an Akaviri Sunblade which destroys armour and weapons (very helpful!) or some other weapon that did bonus damage.I think, though I cannot be sure atm, it was in the house of the man who hires you to find the Ayleid statues. Useful until you find other weapons. Originally posted by hoyle1911:The worst would be leveling up alchemy or something non-combat and suddenly you level up after resting. So it's perfectly possible to turn the enemy into gods while you stay a weakling.

    Not exactly a fair or balanced way to play.I don't understand why Bethesda fucked up the leveling so badly. It's one of the fundamentals of an RPG to make the enemies reasonably hard/easy.It is especially hard to understand since they took pains with morrowind to point out that the creatures in the world did not level up with the player, 'a rat is always a rat' they said.

    So what happened? Why did they change their mind?

    Oblivion spell effects

    Perhaps it is because morrowind had the opposite problem, it was too easy to become godlike. Dammit all to hell I KNEW I shouldn't have gotten it on 360. Should have taken the $$ and invested in a new PC.oh well.Even with a new PC I couldn't play on my cool TV and surround sound. Always trade offsAlso would it have been so hard to have a check box 'Level up monsters with me'?So if it is checked you have the same monsters but you get a Rat that can throw fireballs out of its whiskers.Or you don't check that and then dungeon A just has level 1-5 creatures in it. While a higher level mage quest dungeon has level 15-20 in it.I mean some of these quests DO require certain things to happen, and maybe they could work with that. I don't know.

    Maybe it is a lot more difficult that it seems.I know NWN was a very linear story line, even BG was somewhat linear while this game is a lot more open ended.I guess I just figured some dungeons would have labels. Sort of like some games will say what chance you have of beating an opponent before you face them, or when you enter a dungeon you 'magically know' it will be difficult.Heck some random god of 'fairness' could give you a vision of your doom if you enter the dungeon so you know it will be too tough for you now. Or even a magic door that you just can't open below a certain level.At least in Oblivion almost all of the monsters are fixed-level, it's just the humanoids that level up with you.At level 1 a wolf is a threat, at level 20 you can bludgeon it to death bare-handed while its fangs slide harmlessly off your armor.What changes with the levelling is the monsters you encounter, not the monsters themselves.

    Inside the Kvatch gate I was fighting scamps and baby clannfears, not Xvlavimumbles summoning full-grown ones.

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